ND-Yag Laser Treatments

After the cataract surgery some patients may experience formation of a layer known as secondary cataract.

Nd-YAG LASER Treatment appears to be a safe and efficient method of treating secondary cataract where patient does not have to go through surgical treatment for improvement of visual acuity.

Argon Laser Treatments

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes is a chronic illness which attacks all the organs of human body. Thus, eye as a sensitive organ can be attacked by diabetes. Diabetic changes of eye can be slight to the most complicated which not rarely lead to blindness.
Early and proper treatment of diabetes can prevent complication that can occur in the eye.

Those who suffer from diabetes have to undertake ophthalmologic check at least once in six months. This check includes clinic examination-indirect bio microscopy as well as other examinations such as fluorescein angiography and OCT if necessary. Following this examinations further treatment is decided.
Further treatments include applying of laser in retina-laser photocoagulation of retina which is an elective method in diabetic retinopathy, application of medicaments inside the eye as Avastan or Lucentis to the surgical interventions – vitrectomy in severe cases where conservative treatment is not of help.

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